United Church of God


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Total results: 2229.
Inside United Podcast
by Jorge de Campos, Victor Kubik
Victor Kubik talks with Jorge de Campos about his recent trip to Brazil to visit church members.
United News
Jorge de Campos
From mid-March and through the Days of Unleavened Bread I conducted a very successful doctrinal tour through Brazil and Angola.
God blessed the trip with health, protection, interested prospective members and loyal brethren. A spirit of godly love prevailed throughout the trip. On March 15, 2018, I started in São Paulo, Brazil where I was joined with our local...
United News
Jorge de Campos
Update on Jorge de Campos and Kraig Bledsoe's recent trip to Brazil and Angola.
On Wednesday, March 27, 2019, Kraig Bledsoe and I left Cincinnati on a 33-day pastoral trip to visit prospective members, baptize two new disciples of Jesus Christ and visit congregations in Brazil and Angola. Throughout the trip we can...
by Carl Kinsella
Salem, OR
Salt is something we take for granted today as it's in such abundance. However, this has not always been the case. In Biblical times, it was highly valued and scarce. Knowing this, Christ uses it in a parable when he states "You are the...
by Carl Kasperson
Northern Virginia
Lets read a story of two people who were B+ Christians, and discuss some ways we can ensure we are 100% commited to God.
by Chuck Zimmerman
St. Petersburg, FL
What will happen when the trumpets sound?
by Kevin Call
Portsmouth, OH
Do we have our priorities straight? If we don't overcome, we won't be in the Kingdom of God. We must constantly be making ourselves ready while coming out of this world. Let's re-evaluate ourselves. Do everything possible to make ourselves...
by Ron Holloway
Elmira, NY
Feast of Trumpets is a time of war.
by Bart Bornhorst
Indianapolis, IN
What’s going on in our life today? What consumes our thoughts? Pastor Bart Bornhorst speaks about the need remain focused on God the Father and His plan of salvation. Are we ready and prepared for the upcoming Holy Days? Are we...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely, Melvin Rhodes, Scott Ashley
Bible prophecy foretells the rise of a new superpower that will strikingly affect the lives of nearly every person on earth.
by Robin Webber
Los Angeles, CA
These are troubling times for America and the world. Even more challenging events are coming. This message offers us encouragement by focusing on five promises and five decisions of God to accomplish a restoration of the Earth and...
by Burtus Hicks
Roanoke, VA
Elohim, The Most High God and the Word, from the foundation of the world, determined that the Word, through whom all things were created would become flesh by becoming a pinpoint of life and being conceived in the womb of the virgin Mary...
by Jonathan Hill
Petaluma, CA
Speaker: Jonathan Hill 12/14/15 Location: Orinda Jesus told His disciples "O Ye of Little Faith" four separate times. Jesus said they had little faith because of anxiety, doubt, fear, and human reasoning. Listen to this sermon to learn...
by Ed Dowd
Oklahoma City, OK
Israel's history is largely a barn-swing of actions. Obedience one day, lawlessness the next. Faithful and trusting one day, idolatrous the next. Various prophets wrote about God's ultimate desire for His people. Was it sacrifice in order...
United News
Saul Langarica
Saul Langarica is based in Chile, and pastors the members in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay and Brazil. These countries have a combined land area 40 percent larger than the United States. He usually is able to make just one trip a year...
I traveled from Santiago, Chile, Aug. 9 to the city of Santa Maria, in the south of Brazil. I spent three days with the five brethren in that area. Every day we had a Bible study and also spoke informally about the work of God. Because...
by Ken Graham
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin 2017
There will need to be clean up of the earth on a massive scale. Cleanup of devastated areas, may continue for a long time. These Israelites will need to understand what is happening to them, a basic understanding of what the Bible says and...
Good News
by Good News
Every day we have to make decisions. Many of them we make without thinking. But some are big decisions in life that might make us stop and wonder: What does God want me to do here? Is there a way to understand what God's will is and how we...
Bible Commentary
by Beyond Today Editor
Belshazzar's feast, the handwriting on the wall and the fall of Babylon
